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Thursday 22 March 2012

I didn’t see it coming

This past weekend I learned something interesting about the psychology of beautiful women. And it shocked me.
I went to a club and my friend introduced me to his cousin, Santho.
“Watch this dude around woman, you won’t believe it,” my friend told me. So obviously, my interest was piqued.
The club was packed with beautiful people. That’s when I started to get nervous, hoping that Santho wouldn’t embarrass us with his stunts.
It wasn’t long before the three of us spotted this gorgeous sister waiting to order a drink. She was a real-life Pocahontas; shapely, stern and super sexy. And of course, she has “UNAPPROACHEABLE” written all over her.

So when Santho walked over to her I got even more nervous.
He said, “Do you know what is absolutely amazing about you?” She turned and smiled and asked “what?”
He replied, “Absolutely nothing!” And just like that, he turned around and walked back to us without faltering. I wanted to like crawl under the table. The girl walked back to her friends, pointing at us – understandably upset.
Later, she came to our table and said to Santho: “I can’t believe how rude you are. You have completely ruined my night!”
 And he said: “You are so beautiful that I had to say something that would put us on the same level. That way you would be willing to hear me out when I tell you –you’re amazing.” She smiled.
He invited her to sit down. A moment later they were kissing. An hour later they both left together.  I kept looking at my friend like I didn’t believe my eyes. He just shrugged and said “he does it all the time”.

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