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Thursday 15 September 2011

Mbongeni Ngema Releases Heritage Day Song


Mbongeni Ngema, is appealing to the people of Africa to stand together in a spirit of unity to oppose the flagrant dictatorships that for years have emanated from political leaderships on this continent.
This message is the thrust of a new song titled 'Ingoma yobumbano' (Song of Unity), to be released on 22 September by KZN Music House in Durban as part of heritage month.
“We must look beyond the temptations of greed”, says Ngema.

“Why have we allowed ourselves to be led by people with greed, why have we allowed the dictators to lead our countries? As Africans together we can stand up and say no more dictators.”

Through his song, Ngema strongly exhorts people to unite and work together for the future, opposing dictatorships and the resultant disempowerment of millions throughout Africa: “There was a time when everything was going wrong for the continent, when wars were all over our land.. With the music we shall conquer.. I give you the song of unity. Hear the music, hear the music of unity,” he says.

In contrast with politicians seeking to cling to power at all costs, Ngema cites political leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Winston Churchill, both of whom stepped down timeously from office, as examples of leaders who selflessly stood for the good of their.

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