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Thursday 5 May 2011

Services SETA CEO vindicated in court

Mail & Guardian reports that Judge AC Basson of the Labour Court on 3 May found that Minister of Higher Education and Training Blade Nzimande’s suspension of Services Sector Education Training Authority (SETA) CEO Ivor Blumenthal on 12 April was unlawful and that Nzimande exceeded his power in changing the SETA’s governance structure.

Basson ruled that Nzimande had not consulted adequately with the Services SETA before changing the constitution. 

The ruling was in response to the urgent interdict application launched two weeks ago by the Services SETA and Blumenthal, who was awarded costs against the minister.

Since his appointment in May 2009 Nzimande has made wide ranging changes to the SETA landscape, including the dissolving of the Media Advertising Publishing Printing & Packaging (MAPPP) SETA, under which the film and television industry fell. Of the 21 SETAS that were in existence, only the Services SETA has challenged the Minister to date.

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