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Tuesday 10 May 2011

Does “happily ever after” exist?


By Sibusiso Banda

appily ever after” is there such a thing?, While I was watching the live broadcast of Prince William and Kate Middleton on television exchanging vows, the question came into mind when a friend of mine made an interesting comment while thinking-aloud, about Prince William being Khanyi Mbau’s next potential target.  
 Don’t get me wrong, the royal wedding was romantic and magical. Thousands of people, patriotically cheering and holding England flags, came to witness the play out of real life fairytale of Prince William and Kate parading the street before and after they tied the knot. The experience was just beyond words, it was like something out of a book. But now, let’s move away from fiction and came back to reality.                             
 We live in a world where a street parade is not as tolerated as potholes and traffic, and where magic does not exist and we certainly don’t kiss frogs.
I know you probably think I’m jealous of Prince William and Kate’s wedding but well I’m not. I’m happy for them, actually I wish them the best. I know you probably don’t want to hear this but people get into marriage for wrong reason, some for money, others for fame and others well for fun and status. Just for the record, I’m not insinuating anything about the royal couple, all I’m saying is guys love to hit and run (cricket) and some women do it better. It’s a sport, and that’s just the plain reality. Only facebook, crime, corruption and abuse exist in his world not fairytales. Yes I know the truth not only hurts but it is also hard to admit it.          
 I know some of you may totally disagree with me on everything, but before you voice our opinions ask yourself this, why do we have high divorce rates? Then now rethink what you were about to say...and tell me if “happily ever after” does exist?

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